Meal Planning Made Easy

(But you can still download the free food storage list below. Enjoy!)

I am so excited to share my meal planning ideas with you! Are you having a hard time scheduling your meals and making time to cook good, simple foods? Do you feel overwhelmed when its time to grocery shop, or decide what to cook, or how to start food storage? 


Sweet friends, take a deep breath. It's ok! Ha ha. I find as a wife, mother, and working mom this is the hardest part of my job. It is an extremely demanding job, isn't it? 

You are not alone in this. 

I have been working on this system since my boys were 2 and 4. They are now 11 and 9. I used to just sit in piles of laundry and and dishes, while my husband busted his chops at full-time school and full-time work, and wonder what I had done with my life and how I had gotten here. Goldfish cracker crumbs haunted my carpet and sippy cups strewn everywhere. Ha ha! Never fear, it truly is a phase even though you don't want to hear that, ever, at that stage. 

Motherhood had broken me. 

So I finally decided to conquer the world and come up with my own organized plan to re-gain control and put the joy back into motherhood, cooking, and caring. After all the tweaking and experimenting, I finally found something that works and I know this will help you as well. 

This is a lifestyle. 

You wont have everything perfected at first. I'm going to say it again....this, luckily, is a LIFESTYLE. Pressure for perfection is off! Doing your best each day and trying again tomorrow is the most effective way to find joy in planning and cooking and preparing for an emergency. Luckily I teach this class every year so if you miss out this year, plan on attending my workshop next year! You can learn more about the classes I will be teaching throughout 2018 here.

So sigh a huge sigh and smile. 

2018 just got a whole lot sweeter. Being organized helps you make more time for your family, self care, or running your small business. Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to download your free Food Storage Plan below. 

Start a joyful lifestyle and all else will fall into place. Hugs!


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