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Seeing Others with Open Eyes

I was recently in a situation where I was not seen for who I was but I was viewed as oppressed, that my fulfillment was lies, and that I was a brainwashed sheep falsifying my own empowerment. I was seen through eyes that were shut. I was angry and hurt and felt very attacked during this moment. I left judging and baffled and ready to avenge myself. It wasn't until I heard this beautiful speech by Elder W. Craig Zwick that my eyes were opened and forgiveness began to soften the hard parts within me. You can listen to his 12 minute speech  here  about looking at others through God's eyes. In my church young men and women between the ages of 18 and 19 head out for two years on a service mission. Sharing their testimony of The Book of Mormon and serving wherever they are needed in communities and vast parts of the world. It is a huge sacrifice and I am sure often times scary. Elder Zwick was a missionary President which means he was in charge of the entire area of missionari

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